Sunday, August 22, 2010

Top 10 OK Things About Having a REALLY Sore Throat

  • In an effort to look on the bright side I've decided to put together a list of the top 10 OK things about having a radiated ( burnt) throat. If you'd like to add to the list feel free.

  • 10. Something that feels this bad has to be working.
  • 9. No more fast food, they can't hear me at the drive through and I can't swallow it anyway.
  • 8. No more singing in the shower and having my "performance"reviewed by my mother. ( true story)
  • 7. I'm learning how to eat slowly
  • 6. I get to use the Ninja Pro super blender I couldn't live without and have used twice in a year.
  • 5. I'll get the chance to try every one of the thousands of flavors of Yoplait. (German Chocolate Cake...really?)
  • 4. It is currently impossible for me to "raise my voice" at anyone.
  • 3. My cat thinks I am now the "Cat Whisperer" and she likes it.
  • 2. I only have to shop 2 aisles in the grocery store
  • and the number one reason having a really sore throat can be ok is:
  • 1. I can eat ice cream for breakfast if I want to!

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