Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy Birthday to Mrs. K's Baby Boy

If you'd have asked me last May about Chris' birthday my first thought would have been " I hope I'm here to wish him Happy Birthday" YAY I am ! and I intend to be here for many more good Lord willing. As you can see Chris has his mother's odd sense of humor, most kids put party blowers in their mouths...not my boy! So Happy Birthday Chris ( 29th) I love ya kid.
It's been an odd couple of weeks, things seem to be just not quite right, I'm forgetting things, crying at the drop of a hat, misplacing things that I always put in the same spot. They tell me these are some after afffects of the radiation...yay. Then just when I think I don't need to think about Drs for awhile I get the calls for the check-ups and the 3 month CAT scan and the reality just slaps me upside the head. Like having to wear a head scarf every day to cover up my coming/going hair ( mostly gone) isn't enough. When I'm done with all these bandanas I think I'll make a quilt out of them, Lord knows I have one in every color and design.
The tub situation will be resolved when Bathfitters gets here in the next couple of weeks and makes my tub and walls beautiful and working. I must say the gentle man they sent was very, very nice and understood some of my craziness having lost his wife to cancer. He said he was going to read my blog so if he does " thanks Sean you were a big help, stop in and see how good it looks when you're all done".
I made it through a super crazy week at work, ( 2 grants, 1 year end report, new volunteer training) and now I'm ready to start my new hours, same amount of time just different times so I can go see Rex once a week or so and give Jenny a break on Chris' long days. I'm looking forward to getting to know my grandson better . Oh and did I mention he's walking now! ( That was something else I was hoping to live to see last May YAY for me again)
Anyway amazing as it is I actually have my window open ( it's 50 degrees) Emmy my cat is reveling in the fresh air and so am I. It's supposed to snow tomorrow but today is is everyday for one reason or another :)
Have a great week.. we'll have a bathtub countd0wn soon!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Rub A Dub Dub

Well my bath tub has had it. It's been on it's way out for years ( because the previous owners didn't properly install it) but my wonderful plumber has been babying it along because he knew we didn't really have the funds to replace it. This morning when I found the flood in the kitchen that came from the ceiling, and knowing that that's where the tub is because my plumber has a trap door in the kitchen ceiling to get the the bathroom plumbing ( gotta love old houses).
Anyway I takled to him this AM and he said " I have to tell you I don't think I can patch anything else" I said I understood and then asked what it would cost for a new tub, he gave me what I thought was a reasonable price that also happened to be the amount of money I'll be getting in a few days from my wonderful Aflac Policy ( no I don't work for them but without them I never would have been able to take the summer off to rest and heal) Anyway I was going to use that money for what I thought was a much needed trip to Florida for a few days. I was upset at first and then I thought what a blessing that I actually do have the money to fix the tub problem and that will certainly give me more long lasting pleasure ( I love a nice hot bath) than 4 or 5 days in Florida. Also it will increase the value of the house, no trip to Fla. ever did that. :)
It's funny when you go through major life changes ( like having cancer) how your outlook on things can change.
In a couple of weeks I'm going to change my work hours so I'll have the time to go visit Rex and Jenny while Chris works a late night teaching. This way I can go spend a day with my grandson and give his Mom a little break ( sounds like a win-win to me).I'm going to have to work extra time the other four days but it's worth it. I want to make sure he knows his grandma and with them living an hour away it can be a month or two in between visits, I grew up with my Grandma next door as did Chris and I hate being even an hour away and not being able to help so, this will make up for a little bit anyway.
I saw my oncologist this week, all blood work is good , everything seems OK. I have to have a CAT Scan in 2 month ( scanziety again) but nothing I can do about that now except enjoy 2 Dr. free months ( at least this Dr.) My ear infection is healing, I had my ears flushed this week ..eeeewwww that's a weird feeling.
Anyway that's about it for now, I'll keep you posted on the tub drama :)