Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lots to Be Thankful For!

I finally got my appetite back! Now this isn't something that I would have rejoiced about several months ago when I was fighting my never ending battle of the bulge but these days after existing on flat ginger ale and saltine crackers ( did you know different brands have different tastes, I thought they were all the same) I am thankful to be able to enjoy "real" food again.
While I'm talking about being thankful I need to thank all of you who have sent gifts, cards, happy thoughts, and encouragement. I think I have thanked all of you personally but if by some chance I missed you, please know it's chemo brain and not that I'm not grateful. In fact in the wee small hours of the morning it's you guys who give me the guts to stay positive and not let this crazy turn of events in my life get me down. Lord knows I've had lots of crazy twists and turns in my life and I somehow always manage to come out on the other side in one piece and I expect that I will this time too. The Kirkegaard/Bevilacqua clan is planning a trip to Disney World in 2012 and I plan on being there to introduce my Grandson to "the mouse".
In unrelated news I think I've found my chemo style, I know this won't surprise many of you but I've decided the scarf or bandanna is the way to go for me. I spied a whole display of bandannas in every color in Walmart for like a buck a piece and I've decided that's my style. I'll hold out on the cranial prosthesis for special occasions and when it's not 90 degrees. My hairdresser really liked the wig and she's decided when my hair grows back we're going to go for that color and hi lights , we'll see, by then I might just be a happy gray haired grandma.
Anyway, I just wanted to send you all an update and thanks and let you know the "food crisis" has passed. I wonder how much you have to eat at the Chinese Buffet before they cut you off? ( Just kidding)


~~Sew Happy Designs~~ said...

Glad you are getting your tasty buds back...hey you remember those bandannas were all the rage in the 70's? Nice to know that you'll be totally responsible for bringing that fad back to a whole new generation. I do believe I'll now call you Rosanna Dana Bandanna now.

Hugs,Blessings and sunshine....

Anonymous said...

Bring your appetite to my birthday lunch!