Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What a nice surprise!

As most of you know the town I live in doesn't deliver the mail. You have to go to the Post Office to pick it up every day. So the post office is like the social hub of Brownville, people meet and share their lives daily. I see a lot of the post master because I'm always picking up mail that didn't fit in the box for my mother ( she is legend for so much mail). We get to chatting about our lives and such and become friends. I've been especially close to the current post master and her predecessor for various reasons. It's an odd , once a day kind of relationship but it works. Today when I went in to buy some stamps, Rebecca the current post master handed me a box that said to Sue from Rebecca and Donna, we hope you're feeling better.
I was flabbergasted when I opened this box and found this beautiful quilt that has Bible verses sewn through it. Each verse is printed on it's own square and they are joined with beautiful fabrics. It was made by the Pulaski Comfort Quilters from the Pulaski Wesleyan Church. I'll admit I misted up a bit, I never would have thought that these two ladies that I see so briefly every day would have thought of me so kindly. It is a gift I will cherish forever and I'm planning on finding a wall to hang it on in the very near future.


~~Sew Happy Designs~~ said...

That's awesome!

CDAnthony said...

That kind of story proves there is hope for us humans.