Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What's the rush?

I just got a call about my oncologist's office, appointment, June 11....apparently time is not of the essence to anyone but me and my family and friends. Although, considering there is only one oncologist in Watertown this could be a rushed appointment. The first thing that ran through my cup half empty(dominant personality) mind was " maybe there's nothing they think they can do anyway so why rush" then the cup half full (submissive personality) said " well maybe there's no rush because it's not as bad as all that " Or maybe and most likely, he's the only Dr. in town and he's booked solid. Still, the waiting is no fun. On a lighter note, the folks I work with all got together and gave me a gift certificate for a one hour massage, I've never had a massage but it sounds wonderful to me. Maybe she can work out some of the kinks that I know are caused by stress. It's not comfortable to walk around with your shoulders up around your ears all day, trust me I know this because it's what I do when I get stressed. Chris, Jenny and the baby are coming up tonight for dinner, seeing that baby always makes everything OK for awhile at least.

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