So today was my last chemotherapy appointment, all I can say is it's a darn good thing it was the last one and not the first one or I might never have gone back.
I guess part of the agony was my own fault ( or so they'd have me believe) because I let myself get dehydrated. I didn't know I was dehydrated but I guess I was supposed to know this when I was dizzy and queasy and ached like I had the flu. I thought they were just side effects from the new chemo drug. Also losing 7 lbs in just under a week should be a dead give away but I was just rejoicing in losing seven lbs..silly me.
Anyway the young woman who always takes my blood and knows my veins like her own had the nerve to go on vacation and leave me with a newbie who did a fine job but there was alot of searching for a vein involved why ? beacuse I let myself get dehydrated!
Next the RN who's put the chemo port in every time I've been there decided to let the new nurse on the block try and find a vein. 'My" nurse Donna always put the port in my left hand because she asked if I was right or left handed, new nurse didn't ask and proceeded to dig around in my right hand until I was almost in tears and Donna had to come and help her out anyway. Again my fault, I was dehydrated.
I still had to get the substitute drug because my ususal cocktail was still unavailable. This new drug dosen't have "side" effects" it has walk right up and slap you on the face effects that started before I ever left the Drs. office. Let me just say that these side effects can certaily make a person dehydrated within minutes.
So after about 4 hours I was done, done, done adn now I have a months worth of radiation to deal with and then we see how successful we were. I'm hoping for very!
So the dance of the IV poles has come to an end and no more ports in my hand for days at a time and in a week or so the side effects will fade away. Life is good.