First let me thank everyone for the birthday wishes I appreciate them all.
After a certain age I pretty much gave up on making a big deal about birthdays but considering the past few months, I was happy to see this one.
My birthday always means that autumn is close. I remember getting school supplies for my birthday most years when I was little. It's a good thing I was usually happier with come cool colored pencils than a doll anyway. Again thank you all for the good thoughts.
In an interesting development in the world of medicine it seems one of the chemotherapy drugs that I have been receiving is virtually unavailable across the country. I haven't been able to discover why this is but it seems to be a nation wide issue. So this week was supposed to be my last week of chemo but it turns out we had to go to plan B with a different drug. Normally I go 3 days in one week and then I'm off 2 weeks. This week I only went 1 day and now I have to go 1 day next week as well. But then I'm done with chemo YAY! This new drug brought a whole new list of side effects with it so I've been a bit queasy and even more tired. I 'm also having radiation every day.
Speaking of radiation, the folks there gave me a nice piece of cake for my B'day. They are a great bunch of peoople, I know I couldn't deal with what they deal with day after day and keep the positive attitude they have.
Here's hoping the the chemo and the radiation will have the desired effects and I'll be on the road to the next step in treatment which is maintenance and prevention.
I'm hoping to feel well enough tomorrow to go to a craft show up by the river. I haven't been anyplace but the Dr. and the occasional store for months so I'm looking forward to seeing some well made crafts and maybe doing some early Christmas shopping.
Well I think it's time for a nap, this new drug is knocking me out, I'm really glad I only have to deal with it one more time !
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