Well this last round of chemo was a doozy! I've mostly been sleeping and trying not to feel too sick to my stomach for 3 days now. They gave me pills for the nausea and I guess they sort of work but it's that growling stomach thing that makes me crazy. I know I should just put on my big girl panties and deal with it but I must admit I haven't been exactly in the mood to tough this out. I guess like every side effect I've encountered, once I know how long it's going to last and how bad it can get I'll be OK. Right now though , I'm tired of crackers and tea and ginger ale, this too shall pass.
I did go and get my head shaved this morning, no more clumps of hair all over the place, YAY! I've decided there are good things about having my head shaved like no bad hair days, less things to move on my dresser when I dust ( no hair products), money saved in dye, no using a blow dryer in the summer, no "bed head", and a perfect hair do whenever I want one thanks to my cranial prosthesis. I have to admit every time I go by a mirror I do a double take but I'm sure that'll stop as time goes by.
In the meantime I think it's time to go stretch out again and wait for the "stomach grumblies" to pass.
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