Yesterday I had an MRI of my brain. I have to say out of all the tests I've had this was the most annoying. First let me say that whoever designed the MRI must be a thin person because these machines are not made for people of girth. At 55 years old I can finally relate to what a sardine must feel like, not that this has been a goal of mine but I experienced it yesterday. OK so add to the feeling of a golf ball being sucked into a garden hose, a lot of noise! They gave me headphones tuned to my favorite radio station, I couldn't hear any of the music over the din of the MRI machine. Then at some point I heard what I thought was a voice saying I have no idea what and then pushed me out of the tube long enough for some faceless person to shoot me full of dye and then they sent me back in for the big finish. I must say the technicians were very nice but the whole experience was not pleasant. Oh did I mention how hot it was in that machine and how there was a brace over my head to hold it still? Anyway it's over and if I have to have it done again I'm going to ask for the plus size machine.
I finished round 2 of my chemo today which means I'm 1/2 way through. In a couple of weeks I'll have a CT scan so we can see if the tumor is shrinking and then we'll talk radiation. While I'm impatient to get things done I also want to come out of this with the best results possible so I'm just going with the flow.
Speaking of flow, I was pulling hair out of the bathroom drain this AM and decided that it's time to get rid of what little hair I have left so Monday I'm going to get my head shaved. I'm OK with this but my mother isn't taking it well, I don't know why except that now when she looks at me it'll remind her I have cancer. So far my hair is really the only indication that I'm not well, I haven't lost any weight ( as the MRI machine could tell you), no dark circles under my eyes. Outside I look pretty darn healthy, it's just inside things are a big nasty mess. I do sleep a lot though, today when I got home I slept from about 1:00 til 6:00, it's about 8:30 now and I'll be out cold by 11 at the latest. It's always that way right after chemo, then in a week or so I'll get some more energy back. It kind of bugs me that I'm home with all this time on my hands and I don't get anything done because I'm just too tired, but I guess that's why I'm home in the first place.
I read this cool quote today which kind of says where I am right now: " She wasn't where she had been. She wasn't where she was going....but she was on her way" from Jodi Hill
Oh I'm on my way alright, back to being a healthy me, it's just gonna take some time.
1 comment:
It was really great to see you yesterday. You DO look pretty darn good and I think you will rock the shaved look. Perhaps Margie should shave hers too in solidarity? Larry's ship kind of already sailed...:O
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