Well the extreme heat and humidity has made it necessary for me to stay in my room. Usually I can get out and wander down stairs for a little awhile, grab a soda or snack and come back but today, not so much.
I still don't have AC in my sewing room so I'm pretty much stuck here with the computer, a Law and Order marathon , a jigsaw puzzle ( 1000 pieces, penguins) and drawers I can clean out.
Cleaning out drawers can be interesting, I seem to have a few "junk" drawers up here, so far I've found my AARP card that I didn't know was missing, , a few unmatched earrings...what do you do with earrings you like, but lost the partner to? I seem to hang on to them in hopes the other will materialize someplace, they never do. I suppose I could have another hole punched in one ear so I could wear them or just start a new trend by wearing 2 different earrings. Maybe I'll just put them away in case I find the missing mate.
Then there are all those things that don't really have a "place" , an old cell phone, watches that need batteries, batteries for things other than watches, flashlights that don't take the same size batteries as the ones you have. I have some computer cords I'm afraid to toss because I might need them, even though I have no clue what they go to , and then there's the A/C adapter that I know plugs into something but I don't know what. I know with all my heart the minute I toss one of these things I'll need it.
I did find a couple of cool things though, I found a note my son wrote to the tooth fairy asking for a toy instead of cash because it wasn't always easy for him to get to the store...always thinking that kid! I'll save that and give it to his son someday. I found a little box with my Dad's tuxedo shirt studs in it, do they still use those or is it all buttons now? Dosen't matter they're special to me either way.
So I guess it hasn't been a bad thing to be really stuck in here all day, I found some cool memories and everything else is a least neater then when I started. Maybe I'll find the earring mates or the thing I need the A/C adapter for tomorrow when I tackle the closet.
1 comment:
Talk about making lemonade out of lemons! I love you!
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