So the awesome news is theres NO LUNG CANCER detected YAY. Then there the other things. It seems I have a spot on one of my adrenal glands, they don't seem concerned but I'm having another PET scan anyway.
I know I've mentioned I've been having trouble with my legs, they turn to rubber and then I'm off balance. My knees are not happy campers so I have to sit on things that are pretty high ( you'll recall the toilet seat). Anyway they think my brain may be swollen as a result of the radiation and that might be cauing the leg problems. So I get to have an MRI ( uch) of my brain and one of my lower back to see what's happening. It's a creepy feling when your legs turn into jelly under you. I've been using a cane and I'll keep doing that so I don't end up on my butt.
Pasta for CASA was yesterday, I think it was a great success, I haven't heard the #'s yet but I think we did very well. On that subject I don't know what I would have done without all the great people who jumped in to help not ony on the day of but in these weeks before when I've been laid up. Actually I think they did a much better job than I could have this year because I've been so health preoccupied.
One of the results of al the health issues and the stress of the the past months is now I cry at the drop of a hat . Those of you who've known me forever know this is not my way, I'm not a weeper. Well apparently something chemical or emothional has turned me into a waterworks girl ( I HATE THIS). It's just so not my way and then I feel sooooo stupid. Hopefully this too will pass as the radiation works it's way out of my system.
Anyway let's concerntrate on the good news because no lung cancer found is awesome and the other problems wil be dealth with in time and fogotten, or I'll be designing an awesome line of canes!
Sue, you rock! Waterworks may be humbling, but they too shall pass.
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