So I have completed a week of radiation to my spine. No changes yet but no more deterioration either so we're holding steady. Basically I can just get around the house with the walker ( slowly) and then take what's in my mind the death defying trip to the car so I can get to the hospital every day. Needless to say I'm frustrated and scared ( what if it dosen't work?) but i need to just keep going and having faith that all will be well and I'll be back on my feet soon. They've also given me steroids that make me cry for no apparent reason...good release but annoying too.
Also this week, Rex caught chicken pox and it was recomended that we not be together because I could get shingles because of my lowered immune system....so no family Easter celebration for awhile.
Anyway that's the latest update, now i get a couple of days off adn go back to radiation on Monday.
I wish you all a Happy Easter, Happy Passover, joyous spring and ask that you keep me in your thoughts so I can do the happy dance that i've beaten this crazy thing once more with feeling.
Joy to All
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