Nope no kidding kids I'm in the hospital, have been since Monday. I was trying to leave the house to get to radiation and took a nasty fall. I got my first ambulance ride! If you've been following the blog you know my legs were getting worse as a result of the radiation ( seems they never know if you'll go from bad to worse to good again or in what order.) So, right now my legs from the knees down are basically just there for looks because it's like trying to stand on a vat of marshmellows ya just sort of sink. So,in a effort to try and help me walk again I'll be here doing rehab. I haven't been in the hospital since Chris was born, things have changed. Well you still have to pay by the day for TV but you get more channels. Food is ineresting, you get this menu and you call them up and telll them what you want and they deliver it. Not too awful either. I'm not sure when they decided to hire the youngest and skinniest young ladies to work here but sometimes I feel like I'm treated by the Justin Bieber fan club. They are a great bunch of people but I have to say they make me feel OLD. It's not clear why I'm having the trouble I'm having, I think it's sort of tumor pressure on my spine, some lumbar problems and a list of other things that made my eyes glaze over and stop lstening ( i know not clever). I just want rebhab to kick my butt so I can get going again ( btw yes they still make bed pans although plastic now)) ( i know TMI). Also,nurses don't wear white anymore, it seems ( i think a very bright srubs company has taken over the "cheery medicalwear" market up here, every day it's like Carnivale in the halls.......someone needs to address the color combinations though. It's like being in that parrot house in Disney world. Nevertheless, bright or dull colors the staff are all awesome folks who sincerely care. (nope not pain meds talking but they're awesome.) just some shout outs to good people. Anyway I will keep you up to date best I can, you can also talk to Mom (*disclaimer: she may not understand the whole story so it mght be confusing, then try Chris or just ask me. ) Right now I could use some, prayer, positive thought power to get me to the right rehab facility, the insurance co is being a pain..so any help is appreciated.So I kicked cancer once lets get get me some feet so I can do it again!