Today after work I decided to finally run an errand I keep forgetting and get new batteries put in some of my Fossil watches ( I love Fossil watches I have a few). When I got to the mall my stomach was feeling a bit funny but I didn't really think much of it. By the time I got to the watch kiosk in the mall I needed a ladies room. The young lady at the watch place told me which store could help me out and off I went. As I was on my way I noticed that I was breaking out into a cold sweat , I found a sales lady who pointed me in the direction of the ladies room and also mentioned that I looked a bit flushed. I used the ladies room and while I was in there I called Larry and told him I was at the mall and not feeling very well ( was was sweating like crazy by now)he said he was on his way. I went back out to the watch place and the girl was alarmed at how I looked, I told her I was a cancer patient and she said that she had been several years ago and she knew how things could creep up on you. I went and sat down until she was done with my watches and at the same time I saw Larry. I went up to the counter and evidently I passed out for a few seconds while paying for my watches. Larry revived me and they sat me down again and the mall emergency gentleman came over. By then I was feeling better , they got my coat off and gave me some water, I told them I didn't want an ambulance. They pushed me in a wheelchair to my car and Larry brought me home.Turns out the mall gentleman's mother also has cancer and he understood my problem . Everyone at the mall was extremely nice and made sure I was OK before they let me leave, I appreciate their help.
For me this means I'll be Internet shopping or taking Larry with me from now no. I don't know what caused this but it was scary and I'm still shaky if not dizzy. The kindness of people just touches me and since I've been sick it seems I've met so many kind and helpful people, I need to find a way to thank them all.
The good news is I can now wear 3 of my Fossil watches again since they now have batteries :)
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