Next week I'm scheduled to have the CT Scan that will tell us if my treatment was successful and the tumor is gone. I don't mind saying I'm pretty scared. They tell me the odds are good that the treatment worked and I'll be tumor free, but until I hear it for myself I'm going to be shaky for sure.
Anyway again I'm asking for good thoughts, prayers ,vibes, thoughts and anything else you can muster up that the results will be good and I can think about starting preventative care. Which involves more radiation but not as intense as before.
Update on the 2 cats. They chase each other around the house and hiss alot but they seem to enjoy it, mostly they drive my Mom crazy.
I still can't eat solid food, I get frustrated but there dosen't seem to be anything I can do until the nerves heal. I got a pill stuck in my throat yesterday and had to call the Dr. to find out what to do. Gotta love the country Dr. he said eat a wad of bread and take a drink of milk and if it dosen't work come in. It worked, now I'm just sore from all the coughing.
Winter is fast approaching here, there's been frost on the car a couple of mornings. This was the year I was going to get a car starter so I didn't have to run through the snow to start the car but medical bills used up that little stash of cash, I'm glad I had it put aside even if I didn't use it for a car starter. I've been fortunate to have pretty decent medical coverage so if I had to spend a few unplanned dollars it's OK.
Rex is growing like a weed and I wish I could spend more time with him, maybe that dream will come true before too long, we never know whwat the future might bring.
Well I hope my next message is full of good news, I have faith that what's supposed to happen will happen.
Please keep the good thoughts coming.
I think of you daily and I pray that the CT Scan results are positive. Regardless of what happens, you have displayed the strength necessary to kick cancer in the ass. I miss you!
Seriously positive vibes from me to you! The waiting's got to be horrendous. Just know that you've got a huge cheering section rooting for you!
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