I want to take this time to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you all have a wonderful day with your family and friends.
Also I want to thank you all for reading my ramblings and commenting on them when you feel like it. This blog has helped to keep me sane since last May and I thank you all for being a part of it and my adventures.
I have a lot to be thankful for this year, I have a beautiful new grandson ( that I don't see nearly enough, I should visit), I still have a job and a place to work where they care about my situation and condition as well as the job that needs to get done. I have a great guy who's been with me for every test, scan, chemotherapy appointment, radiation appointment and continues to be my sounding board and a tower of strength, my Mom is still here and although we drive each other crazy, it's good to see her every day and know that if it's soup I want it's soup I'll get, I have Chris and Jenny and know if I need them they'll be there and I have all of you.
I've said before I'm a very lucky person, sure I have cancer but I could be alone in this world with no one to care, I could be uninsured not knowing how I was going to afford medical care, I could be in a lot of physical discomfort and I'm not most of the time. I don't know what the future is going to hold but then which of us do?
So thank you all for all of your prayers, positive energy, funny comments and friendship. You all help to make this road I'm traveling easier and you point me in the right direction when I need to find my way.
If you drink please toast yourself from me, if you don't ,have something yummy and know I'm saluting you and your friendship. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone with my appreciation and affection.