They wake you up really early here in physical therapy land Everyday they come in at 7:00 for the bed bath and meds adn then they're gone until therapy time. That's when I work hard trying to figure out how to get in and out of a wheelchair , not easy when your legs are basically made out of jello. So anyway by then I've had lunch. So now what? usally I do some paperwork ,(still have to pay the bills) , maybe read a book,maybe a little cat nap. But I feel like I should be doing something. I can't crochet because my hands shake from one of the drugs, word puzzles are starting to make me crazy, I wish I had Chris old GameBoy, I remember playing tetrus and Dr. MArio for hours, it's not the same on the laptop. It's funny because how many of us wish we could have nothing to do for least a day or two, I know I did. Now it's here and trust me, after a day or two...boring. Guys, be grateful you have things to so because after awhile nothing to do is a huge drag.Thank goodness I have the computer or I'd totally be batshit crazy, at least this way I can keep in touch with the world and you folks and not go too crazy. Anyway, have a nice Saturday, relax and don't over do it :)
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