Hello all , just thouthg I'd start out with a recent pic of Rex, I took it on Tuesady when Larry and I went down to visit for the afternoon. I've finally arranged my work schedule so I can go down to Syr for a visit once a week and give Jenny a break on the day Chris works late teaching a class. All I can say is it's the best medicine in the world, for me...I'm not sure how everyone else feels but I know when I get there and hug that baby I don't much care about the rest of the world while I'm with him.
Speaking of medicine, I saw my rediologist this week and he said my chest sounds clear as a bell to him and he dosen't need to se me for 6 months! I have a CT scan later this month (scary waiting for results) so I'm keeping good thoughts it will be clear. Also this week I went to the Dr. with a sore throat only to find out I have thrush ( ugh) apparetly those of us with little or no immune systems are prone to this. I can live with this but it's very contagious so, I'm out of work for a couple of days again. So frustrating! Luckily I started the antibiotics ( OMG the mouth rinse is NASTY) soon enough that I won't be contagious for my Mom's 85th birthday party tomorrow. We're having an open house at the church from 2-5 to celebrate, she says we shouldn't have done it but I think she's secretly pleased. More on that on the next blog.
I have a NEW bathtub, I had almost forgotten the absolute pleasure I take in soaking in a nice hot bath with a good book! Bathfitters came at 8:30am and werer gone by 3:00pm. It' s so nice and new and shiny LOL, wow you know you're gettong old when you get this excited over a bathtub..sad.
I've been restless and sort of out of the loop lately. The Dr. says I may have a touch of PTSD, once all the excitement of treatments every day and DR. visits every other week is over there is a huge let down that is followed by " Holy Shit I had Cancer! I hope to hell it's gone" I've been tired alot but I know that's the end of the radiation ( they say another month) but I'm also tired of bandanas, I want my hair back! I'm tired of being scared everytime I cough or feel a pain. I know this will pass eventually but from the folks I've spoken to it's always with you at some level...ick. I think I need spring and new growth and flowers and robins and open windows , soon, I hope, soon.
Oh well so I suceeded in my new tub mission, and tomorrow will be Margie's party, then I have a big fundraiser for work and then maybe, I can take a deep breath and let it out slowly.
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