So it was the radiologist that gave me the good news and then I had to go to the oncologist. First though I went to the radiologist because now I'm going to have some preventative radiation of the brain. Apparently this can mess with your memory and make your hair fall out but it keeps whatever cancer cells are left ( if any) from traveling north . So I went for the set up this week, interesting that's for sure. First they put this wet mesh mask over your face and they attatch it to the table you're laying on..if you are claustrophobic this is not for you. Then they do the set up as to where they're gonna ray gun you with radiation. Thankfully this time they marked the mask and not my head ( I had visions of walking around with black dots all over my head.) Anyway this took about 40 minutes ( hey take your time it's my brain we're messing with)and I have to say I was ready to be done and get that mask off by then, The actual treatment only lasts 10-15 minutes so after this set up that'll be a piece of cake. OK so I got that done I might start the radiation next week but I haven't heard from them so we'll see.
Next I go to the oncologist who is a rather bland guy, compared to the radiologist who is Mr. Sunshine. Anyway he dosen't know I know the results so he pulls out the report and asks if I have bronchitis ( I do) and then says well they say they can't find anything so thats good. A congrats we managed to get rid of this disease would have been nice but noooo. So then he starts to try and sell me on the preventative radiation and says he's gonna call the radiologist so I had to tell him he already knew and I'd seen him about treatment already, he seemed amused or maybe he was just happy he didn't have to try and talk me into this because it is a bit controversial. So that was all he had to say except I'll see him in 6 weeks...really exciting guy that one.
Meantime I went to my regular Dr this AM for a B12 shot and everyone in the offie was doing the happy dance when I left. Cool people there.
So tomorrow is Christmas, Chris, Jenny and the baby are coming up and the baby is teething..oh well nothing I haven't been through before.
I hope you all have a great holiday and you all get what you want ( I sure did). Remember the reason for the season ( no not the commercials. ) This year I will hopefully get to watch a Christmas Story all the way through, I've seen that movie at least a dozen times but never all at once.( I do love the Chinese restaurant scene though.)
Have a very Merry Christmas and joy to you all!
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