Imagine my surprise this morning when I woke up and heard 2 cats meowing at the top of their lungs! Actually once cat and one kitten. Daisy the new kid in town is shut in the sewing room at night ( with a litter box, food and water and a light on) so I knew where she was, but when I hit the bottom of the stairs on my way to the kitchen for my morning tea, low and behold there was Emmy!
Emmy was telling my all about her 10 day adventure which she looked no worse for the wear ( what happens in kitty land stays in kitty land I guess). It's been over an hour and she still really hasn't stopped except to take a very brief nap on my bed and growl at Daisy who has been sent back to the sewing room for now and isn't very happy about it.
Ahhh peace at the moment, they both must be gearing up for a new verbal assault. I've never had 2 cats before, I have to believe once they get used to each other it'll be OK but what do I do in the meantime? The first thing I'm going to do it close up Miss Emmy's escape hatch, although I'm glad I left it open for as long as I did or she wouldn't have gotten back in. Then we have to close up the route to the escape hatch, then I can open the basemenet again because that's Emmy's fave place ( figures for a black cat). I haven't let Daisy downstairs yet because she's too little for all the places a kitty can get stuck down there, we got Emmy full grown so she didn't have that problem. Maybe one will reign over the upstairs and one will reign the downstairs..OY. BTW my mother is not pleased we now have 2 cats, oh well it'll give her something to talk to her friends about on the phone for a week or two.
All this and I start back to work on Monday, it never rains but it pours in my life guess that's what keeps me crazy and happy.
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