This past week I've had pneumonia again, not sure if this is a cause and effect thing but I know it's a pain in the butt. Anyway I'm back on the steroids and the antibiotics, blah, blah, blah.
I was scheduled for a pulmonary function test on Monday, my GP told me to cancel it because obviously if I have pneumonia it's not going to be accurate. So I go to the pulmonologist's office because I have some paperwork I need from them anyway. I tell the lady behind the desk who I am and that I need to cancel this test and why...she looks me up on the computer and says well we need to wait 6 to 8 weeks then to make sure the pneumonia is gone. I said, probably in 6 to 8 weeks I'll be having chemo ( I don't know this for sure but it seems likely). Well you'd have thought I just spit in her coffee, big eyeroll, heavy sigh she turns back to the computer screen. I said well you can talk to the Dr. and just give me a call if that's easier for you, I get the look of death and she hands me an appointment card for June 14th, this isn't 6 weeks , this isn't even 2 weeks but OK I'm not fighting with her.
Now I'm thinking oh crap I have to ask Miss Congeniality for these test results so I can send them to my secondary insurer. So I say "May I have a copy of my needle biopsy results please, I need to send them to my insurance company." She says " You have to fill out this request and sign this release form and we'll call you when they're ready" Call me when they're ready? are we having them recreated in calligraphy by monks in the basement? Can't we just open my file take the ONE page out and copy it? Apparently not, Miss Congeniality wins round 2.
I have to say that I've been to quite a few medical offices in the past months and this one takes the cake for hiring creatures from the dark planet to work there. I went there for a blood test before the biposy and they sent me into the back with a young woman who asked me like they always do which was the best arm to find a vein in and then used the other arm...poked around awhile ( did that just make you shiver?) and declared she couldn't find a vein and I should probably go to the lab across the parking lot....I'd have done that first if the mistress of the dark at the front desk had told me to.
Anyway I got the OK to go back to work on Monday so that's good news and maybe if I'm really, really lucky I'll get that call from the document recreation department of the pulmonary associates soon.
1 comment:
How is it that such people are hired and remain on the job? The worst ones I've encountered have been married to the doctor.
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