Sometimes things creep up on you when you're not paying attention, or when you don't know what to expect. Today was one of those days.
First I have to say that the weather was made for me today, about 65 degrees, no humidity, I was able to walk outside without feeling like I needed oxygen.
My partner in crime Larry and I took my mother grocery shopping. This is an event because she loves to shop and at 84 is in no shape to rush so lots of time is needed to navigate every aisle of the store once and maybe twice. I haven't gone on the last couple of expeditions because I wasn't feeling well enough. Today I felt OK so I figured what the heck, Larry can always bring me home if I get shaky, I'll go along for the ride. So we dropped Mom off at the cart corral and went to park the car. We browsed through a couple of other stores at the shopping center and then headed to the grocery store to meet up with Mom.
As we were walking I noticed that I wasn't out of breath like I have been when I had to walk more than 100 feet inside or out. This was a very nice surprise, I mentioned it to Larry and he said he'd noticed. Very Cool! So this made me take a quick inventory of symptoms and I realized that the nasty ,nagging cough that has been with me all day every day since at least April has all but stopped. Very , very cool!
Now I don't know why this is, my guess would be the chemo is doing it's thing and the tumor isn't taking up as much space in my chest as it was and giving me more room to breathe. Whatever it is I'm happy.
Reality tells me that I still have tough times to come and there will be chemo and radiation side effects in the future but today was as close to normal as I've felt in a really long time and I'm loving it!