I thought this blog was getting a bit visually dull so I figured I'd add a pic of some of my favorite flowers..Black Eyed Susans. Aside from the obvious I like them because they grow wild, don't need to be cultivated and usually show up in unexpected places to bring a smile to someone's face.
I got more paper work to fill out in the mail today this time from the oncologist's office. Funny they ask the same questions as every other office I've been to in the past month or so. HIPPA not withstanding couldn't I just sign something that would let them send the vital information about how my grandmother died and what I'm allergic to? It's gotten so bad that I've begun carrying a list of the medications I take and their dosages in my purse, oh you need that info? I have it right here. My fear is that someday I'm going to get pulled over for speeding and I'm going to give him my license, registration and medication list.
So far I've given all of these people alot more information than they've given me, including tissue samples. I've never been a patient person and this test, wait, see another Dr. thing is slowly making me crazier than usual. Sometimes I feel like it's some kind of medical pass the buck and at the end I'm going to be sent to see some poor soul in the basement of the medical arts building who's only job is to deliver news that people don't want to hear. This person will be behind bulletproof glass of course and the information won't be quite clear because the microphone from the booth will have some static so it will end up something like this " Ms. Kirkegaard, your tests are all in and they show that your tumor is &^%$^*&^-malignant" then the shade goes down over the booth and you're left standing there thinking ( you may be yelling) What?? malignant or not? "come on I need to know! That's when a piece pf paper comes out of the booth like those fortune teller machines at the arcade when we were kids that says " Your next appointment is with Dr.Nextinline in a month, have a nice day."