If you'd have asked me last May about Chris' birthday my first thought would have been " I hope I'm here to wish him Happy Birthday" YAY I am ! and I intend to be here for many more good Lord willing. As you can see Chris has his mother's odd sense of humor, most kids put party blowers in their mouths...not my boy! So Happy Birthday Chris ( 29th) I love ya kid.
It's been an odd couple of weeks, things seem to be just not quite right, I'm forgetting things, crying at the drop of a hat, misplacing things that I always put in the same spot. They tell me these are some after afffects of the radiation...yay. Then just when I think I don't need to think about Drs for awhile I get the calls for the check-ups and the 3 month CAT scan and the reality just slaps me upside the head. Like having to wear a head scarf every day to cover up my coming/going hair ( mostly gone) isn't enough. When I'm done with all these bandanas I think I'll make a quilt out of them, Lord knows I have one in every color and design.
The tub situation will be resolved when Bathfitters gets here in the next couple of weeks and makes my tub and walls beautiful and working. I must say the gentle man they sent was very, very nice and understood some of my craziness having lost his wife to cancer. He said he was going to read my blog so if he does " thanks Sean you were a big help, stop in and see how good it looks when you're all done".
I made it through a super crazy week at work, ( 2 grants, 1 year end report, new volunteer training) and now I'm ready to start my new hours, same amount of time just different times so I can go see Rex once a week or so and give Jenny a break on Chris' long days. I'm looking forward to getting to know my grandson better . Oh and did I mention he's walking now! ( That was something else I was hoping to live to see last May YAY for me again)
Anyway amazing as it is I actually have my window open ( it's 50 degrees) Emmy my cat is reveling in the fresh air and so am I. It's supposed to snow tomorrow but today is awesome...as is everyday for one reason or another :)
Have a great week.. we'll have a bathtub countd0wn soon!