For the past few days I have been going crazy because of a nast itch in both ears. I spent so much time trying to make it stop I was sure I might blow an ear drum in the process. TOday I went to my GP and he checked it out and said I have an ear infection in one ear and the other is messed up becaue of radiation. Apparently brain radiation can turn any ear wax (ick) one might have into cement, so lucky me I have an infection in one ear and a building project in the other. He gave me antibiotics and ear drops and hopefully this will clear it all up.
We all know I got my good news in December but I guess they finally got around to sending the results to my GP. He opend the file started reading the results and then said " you're a miracle, that tumor was huge" I said but Doc I told you this in Dec." he says " I know but when you see it in in writing it makes it so much more real...good for you!) He actually hugged me...sooo not like my Dr. I have been going to the Dr. for over 20 years and he's always had the same nurse, you know the one who knows your voice when you call for an appointment. Well, today was the last time I'll see Mary because she's retiring as of tomorrw. When I think about her giving Chris McDonalds fries coupons when he was there for something and then giving him his weekly allergy shots, I realize what a big part of my familys' life she was. I hope she has a grand retirement but I'm going to miss her.
I got to reunite with some old friends today when I went to the local radio station to plug a CASA training that's coming up. I must say I got a grand welcome and I was very happy to see them as well. For some reason from the first time I went there we hit it off and they are always kind enough to let me come and steal some of their airtime to promote CASA. That's one of my favorite parts of being back to work, I can go see my friends at the station. :)
So for any of you who missed it, I'm done with radiation, they tell me the side effects will worsen a bit over the next two weeks ( more cement and less hair?) and then everything should calm down in a couple of months. I have to say when I was laying on that table every day I wasn't thinking about how strong this stuff is. I must say it'sd going to be nice to get home earlier though, I have things I need to list on ebay and sew for my grandson! :)
Well I feel a nap coming on, have a great week and you guys in the city should come up here we hardly have any snow.